Our little family has been talking about and making plans for fall. Both of the girls have new fall clothes and Halloween costumes. Payton has decided to be Minnie Mouse and Addi is going to be Tiana from The Princess and The Frog. We have also booked a trip to Disneyland for 6 days in October. We are super excited to go. I am sure we will have photos to share once we get back. We went there two years ago in October and love the special Halloween decor and things and the weather seems to be just perfect for us that time of year. Les has even began threatening Payton that if she keeps having potty accidents in her big girl panties she will only be getting diapers from Santa. She really doesn't love that idea.
Addison has been in Kindergarten for 3 weeks now. She loves it, but is such a perfectionist that she is having a very hard time getting her work done in the short time they give her. It is however, flawless. Her cutting and coloring is exactly on the lines. She cried the entire first week from the frustration of not being able to have time to do her best work. She was missing "free play time" to finish her projects. We compromised...I told her to do what she could as well as she could until all the rest of the kids were done and then save the rest to finish at home. That has seemed to be working so far. Love her little smarty pants! Her dance class just started for the year as well. She is telling me that they are learning a new dance called Monkey On A Stick. Sounds pretty silly for a bunch of 5 year old girls.
The girls have also been through another major change. Since Addison's Kindergarten is here in Payson they are no longer able to be babysat by Grandma Batty. They have gone to her since they were babies and the change has been very hard for both the girls and Grandma. We were told about a woman (Relma) who has a daycare just one road north from us in her home. The girls simply adore her and are growing very attached to the other kids and the puppy there. She has a daughter and two other girls that go to Kindergarten with Addison, so she is able to drop all 4 of them off at school at once. She has also been great to help enforce the potty training we are doing with Payton.
I became a manager at work at the end of June. I am the Order Process Manager now along with keeping my previous duties. I hired 4 new employees and have been training them for the last couple months. Along with the new drive to South Jordan (long drive + constuction=yuck!) I have suddenly gotten very busy! The vacation can't come soon enough! Les has been great to help out more at home and take the girls where they need to be since my commute is much longer.